Telling meaningful stories in singular ways
Her Majesty's Spymistress Pitch Deck - August 8th 2024.jpg


TV Pilots - I've been challenging my writing muscles over the last few years by writing spec TV pilot scripts in different voices and styles. This is one of my passion projects: a sixteenth-century spy drama TV pilot. What made this historical story and setting feel important and relatable was its contemporary resonance. Elizabethan London was a time and place of misinformation, fear and suspicion, including fear of foreign invasion and at the time, Catholicism. The script has received positive feedback from the BBC and Netflix and has featured highly in many screenwriting competitions, winning the SWN (Screenwriters Network UK) TV Pilot Award in November 2020.
The script is presently optioned.

Below are pages from the pitch deck.

(A modified image of Jodie Comer from ‘Killing Eve’ to give the feel and tone of the piece.)

All the images below of actors are examples for casting purposes of the kind of actors that would be suitable for the roles. Other images are also stills from movies to illustrate the world, tone and style.